Friday, 16 December 2022

Applied Generative AI - e.g. ChatGPT

Advertisers binge on online video (FT special report, Nov 23, 2022)



Showing what we teach with, and assess on, and how we do this - Our 'ingredients', 'recipe' and (cooking) process - as public, accessible and assessable digital practice

Showing what we teach with, and assess on, and how we do this - Our 'ingredients', 'recipe' and (cooking) process - as public, accessible and assessable digital practice

Poh-Sun Goh, 17 December 2022, Saturday, 0545am, Singapore Time

The description of Micro-Learning (modular, bite-size) in to be published article (below) can be blueprint for our (Department or Institutional) Technology Enhanced Learning Efforts.

Goh, PS, Schlegel, E. Small, Sustainable, Steps to Success as a Scholar in Health Professions Education - Micro (Macro and Meta) Matters. (The Asia Pacific Scholar, submitted revision on 3 October 2022, accepted for publication 1 November 2022).


Imagine Outcome -

Our revised curriculum - to use a culinary analogy - as an illustrated restaurant menu

List of menu items - Illustrated ( in our context as descriptive short text, narrated as audio, illustrated as graphic, image or video clip)

Moving forward - 

Start with what we have - our Slide Decks - examine individual topic content

Map this to current and projected revised curriculum - as modular, bite-size content

Build on this - modular, bite-size content we create, and curate (with proper citation, and attribution - from open access, open source online content)

Engage our teachers (within and in our extended community and network)

Our tagline - Micro-content (bite-size, modular content) for (Micro-)Learning, Practice, Assessment and Scholarship 

Scholarship simply as open digital 'practice' - we show what we teach with, and what we assess on, AND we openly demonstrate how we do this - through our curriculum, teaching, learning and assessment activities - visible for all to see - accessible and assessable.


Tuesday, 13 December 2022

#Outcomes of #Learning and #Training - #Role of #Applied-#Pedagogy-#InstructionalDesign-#LearningScience and #Technology-#Tools-and-#Platforms - Personal Opinion and Current Perspective

How can we think about, and envision Outcomes of a Learning and Training Program? 

What do we want the participants of our program, course, or session 'to feel', 'to know' and be able 'to do'?

What is the Role of Faculty Development, Pedagogy (applied Learning Science and Instructional Design) and Technology?

Personal Opinion and Current Perspective - Poh-Sun Goh, Wednesday, 14 December 2022, 0520am, Singapore Time

Learning Objectives can be simply stated as - (to) Feel, Know and Do 

What we want our students, and participants to be able to DO, KNOW and FEEL

Technology extends, and expands our reach, contact (time) and engagement. And complements, supplements, and reinforces our face-to-face, analogue interactions. These include 'live' Zoom meetings.

Asynchronous digital content, and digital engagement can take place using private, or open platforms.

Content we develop, create or curate (with appropriate citation, attribution and permission when necessary) assists us in conveying and helping our participants FEEL, KNOW and be able to DO.

This content may be in text (written, to be read), narrated (e.g. as audio clip or podcast), displayed to view (illustration, image, graphic - static or interactive; video clip) or more advanced immersive technology (e.g. virtual reality or VR, augmented reality or AR, and mixed reality or MR).

This content (spectrum above), from text through audio, then visual media to VR/AR and MR 'costs' increasingly more - in time and treasure (financial costs, including equipment - hardware, software, upgrades, maintenance, and ensuring interoperability and most importantly - modularity and reusability - across platforms, and across time).

My recommendation is to -

build our understanding of pedagogy (applied learning science and instructional design) and do faculty development in understanding WHY (our objectives), before WHAT and HOW

choose the lowest cost (ideally 'free' and off the shelf content and platforms) solution to get the job we want done - this often simply involves combining text and illustrations and building and incorporating low-cost modular interactivity

To quote Clay Christensen from Harvard Business School - define our 'job to be done', and only then develop solutions to get this job done. In the most time and cost efficient and effective way to do so.

I recommend we focus on text, podcasting (audio) and video. Rather than VR, AR or MR.

We are several generations too early to jump onboard the VR, AR or MR train. 

I feel we still need to keep close watch on, and up-to-date on current and near-future prototypes, platforms and processes.

To get a glimpse and feel of the future for ourselves. As a group.

Moving forward, I believe we stick with what is 'at hand', easy to use, and modular - reusable - sustainable. And what our students, and staff actually use ( i.e. text, illustrations, and video).


Tuesday, 25 October 2022


Test-Enhanced Learning: The Potential for Testing to Promote Greater Learning in Undergraduate Science Courses. Cynthia J. Brame and Rachel Biel. CBE—Life Sciences Education 2015 14:2.

Messineo, L., Gentile, M. & Allegra, M. Test-enhanced learning: analysis of an experience with undergraduate nursing students. BMC Med Educ 15, 182 (2015).

Roediger, H. L., & Karpicke, J. D. (2006). Test-enhanced learning: taking memory tests improves long-term retention. Psychological science, 17(3), 249–255.

Pyc, M. A., Agarwal, P. K., & Roediger, H. L. III. (2014). Test-enhanced learning. In V. A. Benassi, C. E. Overson, & C. M. Hakala (Eds.), Applying science of learning in education: Infusing psychological science into the curriculum (pp. 78–90). Society for the Teaching of Psychology.

Monday, 24 October 2022


Goh, P.S., Roberts-Lieb, S., & Sandars, J. (2022). Micro-Scholarship: An innovative approach for the first steps for Scholarship in Health Professions Education. Medical Teacher, 1–6. Advance online publication.

"(Open) Micro-Scholarship is an extension of (open) Micro-Practice and Micro-Learning; from Taking note, to Making notes, to Sharing notes." - Poh-Sun Goh, 22 October 2022, Saturday, 22 October 2022, 0731am, Singapore Time

Breu, A. C., & Cooper, A. Z. (2022). Tweetorials: Digital scholarship deserving of inclusion in promotion portfolios. Medical teacher, 44(4), 450–452.

Eysenbach G. (2011). Can tweets predict citations? Metrics of social impact based on Twitter and correlation with traditional metrics of scientific impact. Journal of medical Internet research, 13(4), e123.

Wednesday, 3 August 2022

Use of Digital Resources in Medical and Health Postgraduate Education

2022 Postgraduate Symposium – Use of Digital Resources in Medical and Health Postgraduate Education

Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

"Achieving Learning Outcomes Using Digitalisation (Digital Tools, Platforms and Processes) in Medical and Health Professions Education" by Poh-Sun Goh, 12 August 2022, 10.45am Singapore Time (9.45am Jakarta Time)

"Postgraduate Symposium 2022 - Use of Digital Resources in Medical and Health Postgraduate Education" (Instagram)




"Achieving Learning Outcomes Using Digitalisation (Digital Tools, Platforms and Processes) in Medical and Health Professions Education" by Poh-Sun Goh, 12 August 2022, 9am Singapore Time (8am Jakarta Time)

Three Take-aways

1. (Really) Know (well and deeply) your stakeholders - Your Patients, Students (Trainees), Staff (Practitioners, Administrators, Funders)

2. Including what they Need, and Want

3. and (really know, understand and appreciate full potential and possibilities of) what is Available, At Hand, Accessible - Innovating, Blending and 'Fusing' (Combining) - best of Human (efforts, imagination, ingenuity - heart, minds and skills) with Networks (Co-operatives and Collaborations) and Technology (both hardware and software including mobile tech and Apps, and embedded SOPs - (standard) operating procedure(s) and adaptive AI (embedded artificial and augmented intelligence)




"Achieving Learning Outcomes Using Digitalisation (Digital Tools, Platforms and Processes) in Medical and Health Professions Education" by Poh-Sun Goh, 12 August 2022, 9am Singapore Time (8am Jakarta Time)


1. Learning, Education, Training, Practice, Innovation Science and Action Research

2. Building (Digital) Literacy, Capability and Capacity Development - Human and System(s)/Systematic and Systemic

3. Faculty Development - building Awareness, Knowing, Practice, Doing, Applying, Transfer to Practice. Consistently. Scaling up.




Visual and Practice Metaphor

Consider your mobile phone, and 'digital' wearable device(s), that we all (increasingly) use, as an integral part of our professional and personal lives.

What is the key role(s) of this mobile phone, and digital devices?

From personal observation, experience, and iterative focus group in-the-field discussions and qualitative research I have engaged in, may I offer the following answer(s).

Essentially to look up (information, including how to do something), and connect (with others, to ask [a] question[s], to engage in a conversation)




9 August 2022

Good morning.

Thank you for attending and participating in today's symposium.

My messages and ideas to be discussed will be shaped around topics and themes I have previously shared, during invited keynote/plenary presentations at ICHPE 2022 (accessible here - The vision of transformation in medical education after the COVID-19 pandemic - 23rd ICHPE 2022), KSME 2021 (accessible here - The vision of transformation in medical education after the COVID-19 pandemic - Keynote Presentation, KSME 2021), and IAMSE 2020 (accessible here - Medical Educator Roles for the Future).

The KSME 2021, and IAMSE 2020 presentations have been supplemented by published Invited Commentaries (see below). As preparation to discuss some of these ideas, I recommend reading these Commentaries before the Symposium.

Goh, PS. (2021) 'The vision of transformation in medical education after the COVID-19 pandemic'. Korean J Med Educ. Sep; 33(3): 171-174.

Goh, PS. (2020) Medical Educator Roles of the Future. Med.Sci.Educ. 30, 5-7.

I will illustrate some additional ideas during the symposium on the Slides below (available on SlideShare).

I look forward to meeting you (digitally) at the Symposium, and having interesting discussion during the interactive Q and A time.

With warmest regards,


About the Speaker:

Dr Goh Poh-Sun
吳 宝 山
Associate Professor, Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (YLLSOM), National University of Singapore (NUS), Senior Consultant, Department of Diagnostic Radiology, National University Hospital and Associate Member, Centre for Medical Education, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore; Member, AMEE TEL (Technology Enhanced Learning) Committee (since 2011)

Poh-Sun (MBBS(Melb) 1987, FRCR 1993, FAMS 1998, MHPE(Maastricht) 2012 and FAMEE 2017) practices on the clinician educator tract (80/20 time allocation clinical/education) augmenting his education and training time allocation with technology, and regular cumulative early morning focused scholarly efforts, spent developing and evaluating the use of open access online digital repositories in clinical training, and medical education faculty development, under a mastery training and deliberate practice framework. He focuses his efforts on the challenge of transfer to practice, in the widest possible settings, through use of reusable comprehensive digital content, iterative low cost proof of concept implementation combined with collaborations and partnerships to scale, all anchored on a solid foundation of theory and evidence. Am a certified Newfield/YLLSOM Associate Coach, successfully completing The Coach Partnership/Newfield Coach Training Program for NUS YLL SOM (2021), after which further engaged in another 6 month cycle of Coach Training - representing 125 hours of coach specific training - Newfield's Coach Certification Program (2022).


Christensen CM, Hall T, Dillon K, Duncan DS. Know your customers’ “jobs to be done”. Accessed 9 August 2022.

Goh, PS. (2021) 'The vision of transformation in medical education after the COVID-19 pandemic'. Korean J Med Educ. Sep; 33(3): 171-174.

Goh, PS. (2020) Medical Educator Roles of the Future. Med.Sci.Educ. 30, 5–7.

Dr Poh-Sun Goh
吳 宝 山
Short Bio:

Am a Clinical Radiologist at NUHS/YLLSOM@NUS. Working at NUH since 1989.
Also Medical Educator, with Masters in Health Professions Education (MHPE) from Maastricht University (2012); with deep passion for both eLearning/Technology enhanced Learning and Faculty Development - locally and internationally.

Two recent publications below
Goh, PS. 'The vision of transformation in medical education after the COVID-19 pandemic'. Korean J Med Educ. 2021;33 (3): 171-174. Publication Date (Web): 2021 August 27

Goh, PS. 'Medical Educator Roles of the Future'. Medical Science Educator. Online publication 30 September 2020.

My signature achievement is to have a curry named after me, Poh-Sun's Chicken Curry.


Google Analytics Snapshot of Session Blog access
Instagram and Linktree Analytics Snapshots

above and below accessed on 13 August 2022, Saturday, 0520am, Singapore Time

#Just-in-Time (#JiT) Learning, #Micro-Learning, #Micro-Practice, #Micro-Scholarship #Communities-of-Practice (#CoP)

Yilmaz, Y., Papanagnou, D., Fornari, A., & Chan, T. M. (2022). The Learning Loop: Conceptualizing Just-in-Time Faculty Development. AEM education and training, 6(1), e10722. or

Husain, A., Repanshek, Z., Singh, M., Ankel, F., Beck-Esmay, J., Cabrera, D., Chan, T. M., Cooney, R., Gisondi, M., Gottlieb, M., Khadpe, J., Repanshek, J., Mason, J., Papanagnou, D., Riddell, J., Trueger, N. S., Zaver, F., & Brumfield, E. (2020). Consensus Guidelines for Digital Scholarship in Academic Promotion. The western journal of emergency medicine, 21(4), 883–891. or

V Tran 2022 Faculty Development Pilot Study: Twiter Course Learning Experiences. A Thesis Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Science - Health Science Education, McMaster University. Accessed on 4 August 2022, available at 

Goh, P.S., Roberts-Lieb, S., & Sandars, J. (2021). Definition of Micro-Scholarship. Accessed on 4 August 2022, available at

Schlegel, E. (2021). (Not Only) for Medical Students: Get involved in Medical Education Research & Scholarship.

Goh, P.S., & Sandars, J. (2020). Rethinking scholarship in medical education during the era of the COVID-19 pandemic. MedEdPublish, 9(97).

Sunday, 12 June 2022

#CommunityOfPractice #Networks #Teams and #Markets

"Even simply signing up for and reading local news draws people closer to issues that affect them -- and reinforces what publications do." quoted from

Friday, 3 June 2022

From Micro-Content, and Micro-Scholarship, to a series of focused, then extended Micro-Engagements: ExT(ended)-M(icro)-Scholarship or ExT-M-Scholarship

From Micro-Content, and Micro-Scholarship, to a series of focused, then extended Micro-Engagements: ExT(ended)-M(icro)-Scholarship or ExT-M-Scholarship

Poh-Sun Goh, 4 June 2022, Saturday, 0441am, Singapore Time 

Micro-Content, and Micro-Scholarship, is not only stand-alone, but can also form the building blocks for a series of focused, and then extended Micro-Engagements ... 


Micro-Learning and extended digital, blended hybrid and in-person engagement with digital content

Micro-Practice and extended digital engagement ...

Micro-Teaching and extended digital engagement ...

Micro-Scholarship and ExT-M-Scholarship

Progressively, and cumulatively adding to previous effort


Extending, Elaborating and Expanding the process and practice of not only Scholarship, but also open (digital) Practice of our Professional 'Craft'

the key (word and idea) is 'extending' (and sustaining) a series of micro-efforts and micro-engagements, in a planned, intentional, 'habitual' process

Tuesday, 31 May 2022

Micro-Content and Micro-Scholarship as the 'tasting menu', 'tasting or sampling portions', the preview, the executive summary, the takeaways, the key points, the headlines. What is remembered. To use. For future use. To look up.

Micro-Content and Micro-Scholarship as the 'tasting menu', 'tasting or sampling portions', the preview, the executive summary, the takeaways, the key points, the headlines. What is remembered. To use. For future use. To look up.

Poh-Sun Goh, 1 June 2022, Wednesday, 0315am, Singapore Time

Micro-Content and Micro-Scholarship, for many, 'is' the (only) content they will review, preview, sample or use.

To decide when, and if, to go deeper.

Is also likely to be what is remembered, recalled, and used.

Including the key idea, or takeaway; the key phrase or key word, to look up in the future.

Monday, 30 May 2022

Quality and Usefulness (Standards) of Micro-Content (Micro-Scholarship) - Value (and Impact)

Quality and Usefulness (Standards) of Micro-Content (Micro-Scholarship) - Value (and Impact)

Poh-Sun Goh, 31 May 2022, Tuesday, 0115am-0125am, Singapore Time

A proposal, or one approach

Modular, and usable 

For larger (Macro-) Scholarship - e.g. conference poster, presentation, publication (journal)

  • citation (publication, online post) - including comment, reflection, take-away
  • quote - including source, site
  • created and curated illustration (including open access or with permission)
  • multimedia and mixed reality (MR - including VR, AR - virtual and augmented reality) interactive content - created and curated (including open access content)

For faculty development, training and teaching

  • text
  • images
  • multimedia and MR

Use, quantity and quality (audience engagement and feedback, informal and formal, including 'peer review')

Wider considerations

including going beyond superficial Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Sunday, 29 May 2022

Biological Time vs Digital Time - Biological Integration and Creation vs Digitalisation

Biological Time vs Digital Time - Biological Integration and Creation vs Digitalisation

by Poh-Sun Goh, 30 May 2022, Monday, 0623am, Singapore Time

Analogue Time is slower, with significantly less distractions, less choice

More opportunity, and encouragement (by the medium) to do slower, deeper interactions

With content, processes, people

To learn, incorporate, integrate

Create (biologically)

Trading speed, (enormous) choice, for more focused, deeper, and longer engagement

Arguably human time is required for human learning, and human transformation

Digitalisation, Technology, Tools, Apps (Applications), Platforms, and AI (Artificial and Augmented Intelligence) accelerates and scales


Must be intelligently, and judicious utilised to 'enhance' human learning, and human transformation 

Human first

(Human) Purpose driven

Facilitated and incorporating informed intelligent design guided by deep knowledge, insight and experience into (human, organic, biological) principles underpinning personal and professional growth, development, learning and performance.

Who first

(and) Why

only then How, What, Where (and When)

Saturday, 28 May 2022

Micro-Practices for Micro-Scholarship

Micro-Practices for Micro-Scholarship

(Regular, Daily, Cumulative) Micro-Practices (Habits) for Micro-Scholarship

Poh-Sun Goh, 29 May 2022, Sunday, composed from 0218am - 0235am, Singapore Time

Read (a little).  

Engage with digital content.

Every day.

Deep, slow, reflective read. Engagement with digital content.

Take note(s). 

Make notes.

Post (link to) and Cite (original source) 

+ a least a single reflection (e.g. takeaway, use, application, integration, combine this with other ideas - curated and original, transfer this to practice)


Take reflection, and micro-writing one level deeper. Of underlying process, principles and practices

+ describe this.

Then post this online. Openly. 

Accessible and Assessable. For others to review and engage with.

Participate and engage in conversations with a Community of Practice and Interest (CoP and CoI)

Consider 'presenting' directly from your online content. Curated (and cited) with commentary, and created. As part of 'meet-ups', informal 'hang-outs', meetings, presentations and forums.

Combine your micro-content, and stack these, into larger pieces of Macro- or traditional Scholarship.

Engage in Micro-Practice(s) of Micro-Scholarship, including (the) Scholarship of Discovery and Innovation, Integration, Application and Transfer to Practice or Teaching; as a regular, habitual, cumulative professional practice. On the path of a scholar-practitioner.


Thursday, 5 May 2022


Twitter isn’t the town square, it’s the theatre (by Jemima Kelley, FT)

... a 'stage', or platform (one of many)

Let me (re)state the obvious 

Value (and value add) of node in network is function of confidence (trust), connection (density and reach), and contributions (conversations and collaborations).

Universities and Healthcare clusters and networks are classic examples. With value of each node and individual dependent on much more than title, but who they are, and what they bring to the network.

Applied loose non-hierarchical trust and value-add ground up distributed positive ‘network effects’.

Poh-Sun Goh, 20 May 2022, 0755am, Singapore time

#Distributed('Loose')Networks #TechEnabled #TaskFocused #AnchoredOnCoP #Trust #TrackRecord

Sunday, 1 May 2022

#Community #Communities #Society #Societies #Organisation #Organisations #Noun #Verb #Formal #Informal #Networks #Roles #Job(s) #Value-Add

Reflect on - #Community #Communities #Society #Societies #Organisation #Organisations #Noun #Verb #Formal #Informal #Networks #Roles #Job(s) #Value-Add

at local, regional and international levels

in #Clinical #MedicalEducation #MedEd #Association (as #Verb) and #Associations [as #Noun(s)]

Poh-Sun Goh, 2 May 2022, 0522am, Singapore Time



Of Life


Third and Fourth Spaces (Work, Home, 3rd and 4th Spaces)

20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's 

Wednesday, 27 April 2022

A reflection on 'media', through history, from analogue to digital tech - Touch the heart. To engage the mind. To move the hands

A reflection on 'media', through history, from analogue to digital tech - (to) Touch the heart. To engage the mind. To move the hands

Poh-Sun Goh, 28 April 2022, 0630am, Singapore Time

To 'catch attention', show (say or articulate value), encourage listener (audience) to try out, touch, feel, then 'buy' in or purchase (essentially bring home, take to work, and use).

Calling out. 'Hawking' wares and services. Banners. Flyers. Posters. Pamphlets. Handouts.

Billboards. Headlines. (physical) Papers. News(worthy)papers. Journals. Books. 

... became ....

Broadcast media - radio, television (mass media)


(personal media)

Vinyl (records) - recordings of speech, and music

Movie (reels)


Cassette and VHS tapes



Digital media. (the) Internet. Devices. Software. Apps.


Audience(s), Networks, Communities, Fans



Social Media - e.g. Instagram, Twitter, Podcasting, YouTube, Short form video on social media


Fundamentally the tools, technology and platforms evolve and change

The underlying purpose or 'jobs to be done' stay the same

to 'catch attention', show (say or articulate value), encourage listener (audience) to try out, touch, feel, then 'buy' in or purchase (essentially bring home, take to work, and use).


With Micro-Scholarship - the whole 'town', all members in the 'town-hall' have a voice, and get involved !

The collective or 'hive-mind'. The network(s)

Driven by passion and engagement. The fans. The engaged. 


"Touch the heart. To engage the mind. To move the hands." Poh-Sun Goh, 28 April 2022, 0640am, Singapore Time

Saturday, 23 April 2022

#Cuisine(s) and #Conversation(s) can #Connect #Communities

Cuisines and Conversations can Connect Communities

Poh-Sun Goh, 24 April 2022, 0842am, Singapore Time

Cuisine(s) or Food, and Conversations (Ideas, Thinking) can Connect (with) Communities - through fulfilling 'hunger' and needs (physical, mental and emotional). Capturing (these) and sharing Contributes to a hybrid physical, in-person, analogue-digital blended Community and can scale through interactions within these Communities of Interest (CoI) and Practice (CoP), both physical groupings and associations as well as diffuse online Networks.

Content, Conversations, Contributions Connect - Something to Say, and Share; raising Awareness, Connecting through Experiencing and Doing. Building Bridges by Building (Better) [Together].

#TED as example of #Community and #Platform!8b98c!f2b1f

#Content #Connects with #Communities(of Practice, and of Interest) #CoP #CoI

Content Connects (with) Communities

Poh-Sun Goh, 24 April 2022, 0448am, Singapore Time

Content, Content Creators, Content Curators, Content (Integrators, Applicators - who apply Content, and transfer to Practice) Connects (with) Communities (of Practice, CoP; and of Interest, CoI).

Engaging Content Captures (Attention of members of a) Community (CoP, CoI) Collective Consciousness

Conversations Contributing (and) Collaboration - Conversing (Thinking) + Collaboration (Doing) [Together] = (builds) Communities (CoP and CoI)

#Micro-Learning, #Micro-Practice, #Micro-Scholarship (#WhatIsMicroScholarship)

#Learning, #Practice, #Scholarship

#See, [#Awareness], #TryOut [#Practice], #Do [#Apply], #Teach [#Share - #Deepen #Learning, #Insights], #Write [#Engage in #Scholarship, #Sharing - #(further)Deepen #Learning, #Insights]

#(en)Large(r) #Networks, #(more)Members(hip), #(more)Contributors #(more)Contributions [builds, energisers, and sustains] #Communities (of Practice and Interest - #CoP, #CoI)

#OpenAccess #OpenContributions #ModularContent #Words #Images #Illustrations #StackedTogether #Stackable #Combined [into] #Sentences #Speech #Audio #Podcast(s) #Recordings #Radio #Broadcasts #Video #Multimedia #ImmersiveMedia #MixedReality #MR #VR #AR

focus on #MicroContent #(no and minimal)BarriersToEntry(Contribution, Participation, Engagement) #OpenCommunity #Safety #Welcoming #Inclusive #Platforms #Professional[Associations and Groups] #CoP #CoI

'Conversations and Contributions [collaborations and 'doing the work together'] (also) Connects Communities (of Coaching and Coaches)' - Poh-Sun Goh, 24 April 2022, 0622am, Singapore Time [first posted on Coaching Scholarship group WhatsApp discussion forum]

Coming (together to have, showing up, being present to have), Conversations, (and) Collaboration, Care (enough, Passion about, Compassion for), Captures, Consciousness, (and builds) Communities - Poh-Sun Goh, 24 April 2022, 0658am, Singapore Time

Connection requires Contact, to build Confidence, in Competence, beyond Credentials, delivering at lowest Cost (time, effort, energy and proxies of these) -

"People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care." - Theodore Roosevelt

Friday, 22 April 2022

Using Open Access Digital Content and Collections for Radiology Training - from Proficiency, through Competency, toward Mastery. Using Technology. Underpinned with learning science.

Using Open Access Digital Content and Collections for Radiology Training - from Proficiency, through Competency, toward Mastery. Using Technology. Underpinned with learning science.

Poh-Sun Goh, 23 April 2022, 0556am, Singapore Time

-focus on efficient, effective training and practice, to achieve maximum impact

-curate and use open access, online digital case collections, into a departmental collective resource, organise by topic and theme, through a collective effort - documenting, linking to, and with brief description of what each resource is, how and why it adds value

-use case based exposure, and practice

-underpinned by learning science - mastery training and deliberate practice

-full spectrum of cases

-practice till achieving mastery

example from radiology tutorial - [of how to 'use' these collections of cases]

#VR #ImmersiveExperience #FreeSolo #Travel

Tuesday, 5 April 2022

Re-imagining Medical Education for patient-centric Health-care

Re-imagining Medical Education for patient-centric Health-care

Poh-Sun Goh, 6 April 2022, 0525am, Singapore Time


Spends majority of time in health

Wants to maintain health, stay healthy, and improve health

Occasionally becomes ill

Vast majority can be self-managed, with some help from pharmacists, personal and ‘family’ experience and advice including from ‘friends’ and networks

Rarely will require emergency care, in clinic setting, institutional setting, or ‘in the field’

Or planned institutional and hospitalisation acute, and long term care

At beginning, middle and for extended periods more often toward end of life

How do we bring in AI, both artificial and augmented intelligence to support this process?

How do we build digital and health literacy in patients?

Incorporate Tele-health, including remote monitoring, on-site testing, on-site in-person healthcare delivery  

both (analogue-human delivered) and robotic?

How would health-care, and patient education and training be integrated into patient’s lives in the (near) future?

How would we design acute in-the-field (in-place) and institutional healthcare (systems), and community care (in-place)?

How would we, and can we re-imagine Medical Education for patient-centric Health-care (for this future)?

working with

Health(care) Professionals and the Health System

Sunday, 3 April 2022

The 3 P's of Technology enhanced Learning - or 3 Principles, 3 Practices and 3 Priorities

above first posted on

above first posted on

The 3 P's of Technology enhanced Learning - or 3 Priorities, 3 Practices and 3 Principle Tasks, and 3 Focus areas for each (illustrated by upcoming Technology enhanced Learning workshop for Faculty Development @ CenMED, NUS)

Poh-Sun Goh, 4 April 2022, 0121pm, Singapore Time

3 Principle Tasks

- 1) Engagement - How to catch attention, show value, maintain interest?

- 2) Enlargement - How to scale, yet customise?

- 3) Engineering (learning) - How do you know, see, and feel success(ful)? As educator. As learner.

3 Practices

- 1) Learning Science - knowing what works, and does not

- 2) Digital Literacy and Faculty Development

- 3) Democratisation, Sustainability and Scalability of ideas, recipes, platforms and solutions - including use of open access content, tools and platforms 

3 Priorities

- 1) engage faculty (during workshop) by individualisation and focused customisation (this is role of pre-session survey), and interactive elements during live workshop

- 2) encourage faculty to focus on individualisation and focused customisation and personalisation with 'each and every one' of their students/residents/trainees/audience when engaging with them online - including knowing what students want, have access to (tech and resources), and what training level of student-audience is

- 3) be outcome focused - not only what audience - students want, but what training objectives are or might be (for session, or within larger organisational or curriculum context)

"Micro-Scholarship is an activity for this digital age, acknowledging and anchored on digital learning, digital reflection and digital conversations and engagement, amplifying these through digital practice, and aligning this to expression and exhibition of professional knowledge and skills as digital artefacts, output, and Scholarship." Poh-Sun Goh, 5 April 2022, 0506am, Singapore Time

"Teaching (and training) others makes us better practitioners, deepens our own learning; (engaging in Micro-)Scholarship takes us further, providing deeper insights into (the Scholarship of) Practice, (Teaching), Application, Integration (of knowledge), Discovery (Creating and innovating 'new' knowledge)." Poh-Sun Goh, 5 April 2022, 0715am, Singapore Time

Goshtasbpour, F., Swinnerton, B. J., & Pickering, J. D. (2022). Twelve tips for engaging learners in online discussions. Medical teacher, 44(3), 244–248.