Tuesday, 5 April 2022

Re-imagining Medical Education for patient-centric Health-care

Re-imagining Medical Education for patient-centric Health-care

Poh-Sun Goh, 6 April 2022, 0525am, Singapore Time


Spends majority of time in health

Wants to maintain health, stay healthy, and improve health

Occasionally becomes ill

Vast majority can be self-managed, with some help from pharmacists, personal and ‘family’ experience and advice including from ‘friends’ and networks

Rarely will require emergency care, in clinic setting, institutional setting, or ‘in the field’

Or planned institutional and hospitalisation acute, and long term care

At beginning, middle and for extended periods more often toward end of life

How do we bring in AI, both artificial and augmented intelligence to support this process?

How do we build digital and health literacy in patients?

Incorporate Tele-health, including remote monitoring, on-site testing, on-site in-person healthcare delivery  

both (analogue-human delivered) and robotic?

How would health-care, and patient education and training be integrated into patient’s lives in the (near) future?

How would we design acute in-the-field (in-place) and institutional healthcare (systems), and community care (in-place)?

How would we, and can we re-imagine Medical Education for patient-centric Health-care (for this future)?

working with

Health(care) Professionals and the Health System


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