Wednesday, 3 March 2021

Technology in Health Sciences Education during COVID-19: Gains, Loses, and Transformations - IAMSE 2021 Focus Session

Technology in Health Sciences Education during COVID-19: Gains, Loses, and Transformations - IAMSE 2021 Focus Session


Key Themes: Pandemic, Human-Human Transmission, Novel Virus (no immunity, infectious, potentially deadly, overwhelming health systems), Global disruption, Work from Home, Study from Home, Social Distancing, Physical Barriers, Exposing Social Inequalities, Unequal Access to Technology (Tools, Connectivity, Digital Literacy - Teachers, Students, Administrators), No one left behind

Key Words: Technology enhanced Learning, Health Sciences Education, Gains, Losses, Transformations, COVID-19

Key Takeaways: 
Gains - massive, global adoption of technology to work, study, train, socialise, connect - to live, work, play; greatly increased familiarity and acceptance of use of technology
Losses - human contact, connection - emotional, empathic
Transformations - technology to scale, to disrupt - Tele-health adoption, acceptance of and willingness to adopt technology and skill up (students, faculty, administrators), willingness to resource this (budgets - personal, organisational, societal)

Recent Presentation and Workshop:

Pre-Reading and Further Reading:

Goh, PS. 'Medical Educator Roles of the Future'. Medical Science Educator. Online publication 30 September 2020.

Goh P.S, Sandars J. (2020) 'A vision of the use of technology in medical education after the COVID-19 pandemic', MedEdPublish, 9, [1], 49,

Goh, P.S. Technology enhanced learning in Medical Education: What’s new, what’s useful, and some important considerations. MedEdPublish. 2016 Oct; 5(3), Paper No:16. Epub 2016 Oct 12.

"Hungry students, trained teachers, know (and use) what is available (and at hand)." - Poh-Sun Goh, first presented at (University of Nottingham MMedSci in Medical Education TEL Panel Q&A Session, February 2021)/ posted on

Emanuel EJ. The Inevitable Reimagining of Medical Education. JAMA. 2020;323(12):1127–1128. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.1227

Wartman, Steven & Combs, C.. (2019). Reimagining Medical Education in the Age of AI. AMA journal of ethics. 21. E146-152. 10.1001/amajethics.2019.146.  

Prober, Charles G., MD; Khan, Salman Medical Education Reimagined, Academic Medicine: October 2013 - Volume 88 - Issue 10 - p 1407-1410 doi: 10.1097/ACM.0b013e3182a368bd


Papapanou M, Routsi E, Tsamakis K, et alMedical education challenges and innovations during COVID-19 pandemicPostgraduate Medical Journal Published Online First: 29 March 2021. doi: 10.1136/postgradmedj-2021-140032 

Shahrvini, B., Baxter, S.L., Coffey, C.S. et al. Pre-clinical remote undergraduate medical education during the COVID-19 pandemic: a survey study. BMC Med Educ 21, 13 (2021).

Ferrel M N, Ryan J J (March 31, 2020) The Impact of COVID-19 on Medical Education. Cureus 12(3): e7492. doi:10.7759/cureus.7492

Chinelatto, Lucas Albuquerque, Costa, Thamara Rodrigues da, Medeiros, Vitor Macedo Brito, Boog, Gustavo Henrique Pereira, Hojaij, Flávio Carneiro, Tempski, Patricia Zen, & Martins, Milton de Arruda. (2020). What You Gain and What You Lose in COVID-19: Perception of Medical Students on their Education. Clinics, 75, e2133. Epub July 10, 2020.

Macdougall C, Dangerfield P, Katz D, Strain W, 2020, 'The impact of COVID-19 on Medical education and Medical Students. How and when can they return to placements?', MedEdPublish, 9, [1], 159,

Psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on training of postgraduate year 1 doctors in Singapore
Chan KS, Shelat VG, Chia FL Singapore Med J 2021 Apr 16; [Epub ahead of print]

Learning loss due to school closures during the COVID-19 pandemic
Per Engzell, Arun Frey, Mark D. Verhagen
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Apr 2021, 118 (17) e2022376118; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2022376118

Tempski, P., Danila, A. H., Arantes-Costa, F. M., Siqueira, M., Torsani, M. B., & Martins, M. A. (2020). The COVID-19 pandemic: time for medical teachers and students to overcome grief. Clinics (Sao Paulo, Brazil), 75, e2206. 




Pan, Gary and Seow, Poh-Sun and Shankararaman, Venky and Koh, Kevin, Essence of Partnership Management in Project-based Learning: Insights from a University’s Global Project Programme (October 1, 2020). Journal of International Education in Business (Forthcoming), Available at SSRN:

PAN, Gary; SEOW, Poh Sun; SHANKARARAMAN, Venky; and KOH, Kevin. Essence of partnership management in project-based learning: Insights from a university’s global project programme. (2020).
Journal of International Education in Business. 1-26. Research Collection School Of Accountancy.

Almulla MA. The Effectiveness of the Project-Based Learning (PBL) Approach as a Way to Engage Students in Learning. SAGE Open. July 2020. doi:10.1177/2158244020938702 

Cho, Yonjoo & Brown, Catherine. (2013). Project-based learning in education: Integrating business needs and student learning. European Journal of Training and Development. 37. 10.1108/EJTD-01-2013-0006. 


Kushida, K.E., Murray, J. & Zysman, J. Diffusing the Cloud: Cloud Computing and Implications for Public Policy. J Ind Compet Trade 11, 209–237 (2011).

(David Pilling, Financial Times, 3 March 2021)

“The camera as a tool for access is here to stay, and most theaters are going to be looking and heading in this direction,” said the Young Vic’s Kwei-Armah.
above quote from Bloomberg article below


Dr Poh-Sun Goh
吳 宝 山
Short Bio:

Am a Clinical Radiologist at NUHS/YLLSOM@NUS. Working at NUH since 1989.
Also Medical Educator, with Masters in Health Professions Education (MHPE) from Maastricht University (2012); with deep passion for both eLearning/Technology enhanced Learning and Faculty Development - locally and internationally.

Latest publication below
Goh, PS. 'Medical Educator Roles of the Future'. Medical Science Educator. Online publication 30 September 2020.

My signature achievement is to have a curry named after me, Poh-Sun's Chicken Curry.

below first presented at KSME2021

above and below from

below from

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