Friday, 25 September 2020

The learning process as a document download (knowledge), app download (skills,), which becomes internalised with use

Learning process as a document and app download, learning requires active processing of knowledge, and its use, as well as practicing skills

The learning process as a document download (knowledge), app download (skills), which becomes internalised with use.

        - Poh-Sun Goh, 26 September 2020 @ 0743am

Knowledge, skills and attitudes (KSA) need to be actively processed, practiced (with feedback and reflection, applying principles of training, coaching and metacognition), and applied to practice in order to internalise this (KSA), develop competencies, become proficient, an expert, and mastery of a field of practice.

To use a digital analogy, digital downloads require private study, peer discussion, and practice with feedback and reflection, to 'learn', and 'become skilled' through this process; and with assistance from a teacher/instructor/guide-coach augmented by AI and ML to personalise and scale (artificial intelligence and machine learning), to internalise KSA and promote effective and efficient transfer to practice.

        - Poh-Sun Goh, 26 September 2020 @ 0752am

 (see commissioned papers section)

Future of Education and Skills 2030: Conceptual Learning Framework A Literature Summary for Research on the Transfer of Learning
8th Informal Working Group (IWG) Meeting 29-31 October 2018
OECD Conference Centre, Paris, France

Barnett, S. and S. Ceci (2002), “When and where do we apply what we learn? A taxonomy for far transfer”, Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 128/4, pp. 612-637.

Almond, Nicholas. (2014). The Use-It-Or-Lose-It Theory; the Cognitive Reserve Hypothesis and the Use-Dependency Theory: Methodological Issues, Previous Research, Current Research and Future Perspectives.

Thursday, 24 September 2020

See one, Do one, and Teach one - using mobile phone user eye tracking, pausing and touch to zoom and highlight, time spent, and note taking as data points for ML and AI to provide data on learning and training efficiency and effectiveness

Using mobile phone user eye tracking, pausing and touch to zoom and highlight, time spent, and note taking as data points for ML and AI to provide data on learning and training efficiency and effectiveness - A thought experiment, and speculation about near future possibilities

by Poh-Sun Goh (first draft September 24, 2020 @ 1950hrs)


'See one, do one, and teach one', is a common term used in medical education and training. With the increasing use of mobile devices in education and training to 'look something up', select and engage with content, peers and instructors; in informal and formal learning; at undergraduate, postgraduate, and lifelong learning settings; one could imagine a near future possibility where the facial recognition camera used to unlock a mobile device could also be used for eye tracking, to obtain data on where the user focuses his or her gaze; and for how long; for example on which images (and parts of an image), text (which text, passages, and in what order), and video segments. Data can be collected on what is clicked or tapped on, where a user spends time and attention, what is highlighted, clipped and curated; what is shared; and how text and illustrations are used as intermediate and final output and outcomes of a learning or training exercise. 

Think of how text underlined and highlighted in a textbook, an examination of what initial notes are taken, and how these notes are revised during revision of the material; after reflection and further discussion with peers and instructors; and self reflection; can all give insight into the learning process to an observer, a trained and experienced teacher or instructor. Now imagine AI (artificial intelligence) and ML (machine learning) algorithms examining this data in real time, to provide customised feedback and coaching to a learner or trainee. Imaging AI on the mobile device chip, or platform giving a novice insight into where and what an experienced practitioner or master pays attention to, what they look at and focus on first, what they highlight, as well as note taking and the thoughts of a seasoned practitioner to the content, for a novice to model their practice on, and learn from. Image then AI modelling the attention process, and thinking of a master practitioner; similar to how a simulator gives feedback on physical skill practice and situational judgement formulation. Imagine carrying this adaptive learning platform on a personal mobile device. 

Imagine this process applied in medical training to detecting, identifying and characterising abnormalities on a Chest XR (and other radiological imaging), in Pathology, Dermatology, and clinical assessments in the Emergency Department, Ward or Clinic setting. Imagine this process applied to learning and training to search for high quality, relevant and accurate information online, skimming through and assessing the value and relevance of this content to a specific clinical problem at hand. Imagine AI and ML ever present on a mobile device delivering personalised coaching and adaptive learning and training for a user, and data for further personal reflection, and experienced human instructor coaching. Imagine this learning and training process used in professional lifelong training and faculty development.

References and Further Reading

Samarasekera DD, Goh PS, Lee SS, Gwee MCE. The clarion call for a third wave in medical education to optimize healthcare in the twenty-first century. Medical Teacher (accepted for publication, July 2018; epub 9 October 2018). (see section on Learning Analytics and Digital Scholarship within article)

Goh, P.S. Learning Analytics in Medical Education. MedEdPublish. 2017 Apr; 6(2), Paper No:5. Epub 2017 Apr 4.

Kotsis, S. V., & Chung, K. C. (2013). Application of the "see one, do one, teach one" concept in surgical training. Plastic and reconstructive surgery, 131(5), 1194–1201.

Matthew M. Cirigliano, Charles D. Guthrie & Martin V. Pusic (2020) Click-level Learning Analytics in an Online Medical Education Learning Platform, Teaching and Learning in Medicine, 32:4, 410-421, DOI: 10.1080/10401334.2020.1754216

Saubern, R., Henderson, M., Heinrich, E., & Redmond, P. (2020). TPACK – time to reboot?. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 36(3), 1-9.

Fyfield, M., Henderson, M., Heinrich, E., & Redmond, P. (2019). Videos in higher education: Making the most of a good thing. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 35(5), 1-7.

Cochrane, T., Redmond, P., & Corrin, L. (2018). Technology Enhanced Learning, Research Impact and Open Scholarship. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 34(3).

West, D., Tasir, Z., Luzeckyj, A., Si Na, K., Toohey, D., Abdullah, Z., Searle, B., Farhana Jumaat, N., & Price, R. (2018). Learning analytics experience among academics in Australia and Malaysia: A comparison. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 34(3).

Valliappan, N., Dai, N., Steinberg, E. et al. Accelerating eye movement research via accurate and affordable smartphone eye tracking. Nat Commun 11, 4553 (2020).

Brousseau, B., Rose, J., & Eizenman, M. (2020). Hybrid Eye-Tracking on a Smartphone with CNN Feature Extraction and an Infrared 3D Model. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 20(2), 543.

Cazzato, Dario & Leo, Marco & Distante, Cosimo & Voos, Holger. (2020). When I Look into Your Eyes: A Survey on Computer Vision Contributions for Human Gaze Estimation and Tracking. Sensors. 20. 3739. 10.3390/s20133739. 

Using data from real-time student interaction with digital content - attention, gaze; touch screen, mouse and voice interaction; note taking and verbalisation (summarising key points, to question responses), as evidence of ongoing successful learning, and to allow AI to provide dynamic, customised feedback and personalised instruction. Similar to human coaching and teaching in physical classrooms, scaled up online with AI.

Basically using observations of student attention, behaviour and output (both early, e.g. note taking and questions posed, intermediate and final, e.g. assignments and final performance assessments), to dynamically customised learning pathways, exposure to digital content, and practice paradigms.

by Poh-Sun Goh, 3 October 2020 @ 0259am

Thought experiment 2 - personalised adaptive learning (human and AI assisted) though use of real time video observations, data from human-computer interface interaction with content, evidence of content assimilation though note taking and verbalisation, as well as interactions with peers, the instructor, and AI assistants

Combining eye tracking, multiple cameras to record and assess a learner's interaction with digital content (whether on workstation, laptop, tablet, mobile phone, small screen wearable device, AR or VR content); combined with real-time data on interaction with digital content by touch, mouse cursor movements; pausing when scrolling through webpage content, further interaction with this content via touch, mouse clicks or further within content interaction by watching video, clicking or tapping hyperlinks, or verbal search and interaction with chatbots and AI assistants; through note-taking, and verbal articulation of key take-home ideas and key concepts, as evidence of knowledge assimilation, and integration with other new knowledge, or prior knowledge. Similar to 'see one, do one with feedback, practice for improvement, and translate to clinical or workplace practice with initial formative, then summative assessment before certification to practice clinical skills. And development of 'soft skills' including empathy, communication (and teamwork), through exposure then reaction and reflection to digital content (including written case scenarios, illustrations, multimedia content including videos, AR and VR). in short, similar to learning behaviours in class observed by teachers (of students) in traditional classrooms when teachers observe and get insight on students attention to content presented, observing their notes and taking note of their class interactions with peers, and answers to questions posed, and demonstration of skill development - all as proxies of successful, engagement with content and skill learning process. Our aim is to scale up insights gained by experienced, trained and skilled teachers from physical interaction and observation of students classroom behaviour to that of their interaction with digital content, outside the classroom, in the digital space, during self study, group and team based learning, and when practicing skills in online simulated practice.

by Poh-Sun Goh (first draft 3 October 2020 @ 0238am)

Stavros Demetriadis. Interaction between learner’s internal and external representations in multimedia
environment: a state-of-the-art. 2004. ffhal-00190213f

Davison, D.P., Wijnen, F.M., van der Meij, J. et al. Designing a Social Robot to Support Children’s Inquiry Learning: A Contextual Analysis of Children Working Together at School. Int J of Soc Robotics 12, 883–907 (2020).

Lévêque, Lucie & Bosmans, Hilde & Cockmartin, Lesley & Liu, Hantao. (2018). State of the Art: Eye-Tracking Studies in Medical Imaging. IEEE Access. PP. 1-1. 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2851451. 

Conati, Cristina & Merten, Christina & Amershi, Saleema & Muldner, Kasia. (2007). Using Eye-Tracking Data for High-Level User Modeling in Adaptive Interfaces.. 1614-1617. 

Thought experiment 3 - Adaptive learning by blending AI and human input, in digitally literate, learning science trained students (and faculty)
Poh-Sun Goh, 3 October 2020 @ 0846am

Thought experiment 3 - Access to, and Learning from the very best content, teachers, instructional and training paradigms, globally; customised and adapted to an individual learner's requirements by AI, and an expert, experienced local instructor; guided by usage and performance data from video and human observations, eye tracking data, human-computing interface interactions, as well as evidence of information registration, short and long term processing of this content for successful learning, and transfer to practice.

To use an analogy from an earlier era; motivated, interested and ambitious students would do 'deep dives' into textbooks, scour the library for information; read and re-read, make notes of, discuss and use what they have learnt, and transfer this into practice. With the advent of the internet, digitisation of content; access to the very best didactic 'lectures', now increasingly in modular, short format videos; the challenge for students now is to find not only the 'best' information, but also the most appropriate ones, for their learning and training needs, on an ongoing basis. This requires not only scanning, skimming through, and sampling what is popular, and recommend by fellow users and peers, and what is related to the current topics and key words that they are searching for; but also a deeper appreciation for the relevance, usefulness, and quality of the material that they are planning to use to learn and train with. This will require more than a reliance of low level AI algorithms driving search results from online search engines. It will required an ability and skill in the student to evaluate the quality, relevance, and suitability of what a search engine throws up on the first page of search results - by understanding how popularity, key words, sustained engagement with the content by other similar online users, likes and recommendations feed search algorithms. Ultimately, only by reflecting upon, and using (digital) content, and getting feedback from the products and outcomes of their learning efforts, initially from informal feedback and formal assessments, and then later from measurable results in the workplace; will learners develop an appreciation of the value, and utility of the content, and training process which they have undertaken. The combined and blended role of AI, and trained experienced human instructors, guides and coaches will be key.

by Poh-Sun Goh, 3 October 2020 @ 0836am

Goh, PS. 'Medical Educator Roles of the Future'. Medical Science Educator. Online publication 30 September 2020.

Bhatt, I, de Roock, R & Adams, J. (2015). Diving deep into digital literacy: emerging methods
for research, Language and Education, doi: 

Looi, C.‐K., Seow, P., Zhang, B., So, H.‐J., Chen, W. and Wong, L.‐H. (2010), Leveraging mobile technology for sustainable seamless learning: a research agenda. British Journal of Educational Technology, 41: 154-169. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8535.2008.00912.x

Hirashima, C & Klett, T & Liu, J & A, Nakabayashi & Wong, Kalok & Looi, Chee-Kit & Wong, Lung-Hsiang & So, Hyo-Jeong & Seow, Peter. (2009). An Anatomy of a Mobilized English Preposition Lesson: Toward Personalized Learning. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2009. 

Monday, 21 September 2020

TeL in MedEd - Start by catching Attention, Then show Value, to Know, Do and Feel

Engaging Students, and Creating a Buzz in the Classroom - Both Physical, and Online
Poh-Sun Goh (6 October 2020 @ 0702am)

Reflecting on my experience as a student, and teacher , one immediate idea comes to mind.

That it is relatively easy when the student is ‘hungry’ for knowledge, to learn, to become well trained and skilled.

These students will learn from, and engage enthusiastically with content and a learning activity involving any medium (text, audio, illustrations, multimedia and video, Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality content).

Often an instructor presents the content, and training scenario, and steps aside.

These students will engage in discovery and active self learning, search for more information,
Ask questions, and independently search for answers, by asking peers, their seniors, teachers, 
Looking up answers in books, and online; then self-evaluating answers, and practicing skills, 
While reflecting on feedback constantly, in order to improve their skills, and deepen knowledge.

We are generally fortunate in health professions education, with our undergraduates, postgraduates, and lifelong learners; who are generally motivated, committed learners, self selected for practice by a motivation to serve their patients, and give back to society.

For less motivated, or disinterested students; often all that is needed is to capture their attention, and show value, either in the physical classroom, or online. 

As students, we engage with content, and a learning process when this is clearly seen to be relevant, and useful. Making the learning process fun is a bonus.

To use an analogy, imagine the last time you had to learn something because you ‘Had to’, compared with
‘Wanted to” or because of a ‘Passion and Deep Interest in a Topic’.

As teachers, we can create, and curate (with attribution) content that captures interest, and show value. Design learning activities, and environments, both in physical and virtual online spaces to facilitate self-directed learning, reinforced by interaction with the instructor and peers in group activities, and application of what has been learnt, with feedback, and to promote reflection, and assimilation.

Goh, PS. 'Medical Educator Roles of the Future'. Medical Science Educator. Online publication 30 September 2020. 

Friday, 18 September 2020

Technology Enhanced Learning in Medical Education - Why, Before What, and How

Digital Tools and Platforms

Blogging Platforms

Goh PS. Using a blog as an integrated eLearning tool and platform. Med Teach. 2016 Jun;38(6):628-9. doi: 10.3109/0142159X.2015.1105947. Epub 2015 Nov 11. PMID: 26558420.




Goh PS, Sandars J. An innovative approach to digitally flip the classroom by using an online "graffiti wall" with a blog. Med Teach. 2016 Aug;38(8):858. doi: 10.1080/0142159X.2016.1204433. Epub 2016 Jul 14. PMID: 27414992.


Breu AC, Cooper AZ. Tweetorials: Digital scholarship deserving of inclusion in promotion portfolios. Med Teach. 2022 Jan 31:1-3. doi: 10.1080/0142159X.2022.2029383. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35099358.

Goh, PS. 'Medical Educator Roles of the Future'. Medical Science Educator. Online publication 30 September 2020. (Six Strategies for Effective Learning)

Cutrer, William & Miller, Bonnie & Pusic, Martin & Mejicano, George & Mangrulkar, Rajesh & Gruppen, Larry & Hawkins, Richard & Skochelak, Susan & Moore, Jr, Donald. (2016). Fostering the Development of Master Adaptive Learners: A Conceptual Model to Guide Skill Acquisition in Medical Education. Academic Medicine. 92. 1. 10.1097/ACM.0000000000001323. 

Mylopoulos, M, Kulasegaram, K, Woods, NN. Developing the experts we need: Fostering adaptive expertise through education. J Eval Clin Pract. 2018; 24: 674– 677.

(see Chapter 14: Domain General Skills)

Van Merrienboer, Jeroen J. G. & Sweller, John. (2005). Cognitive Load Theory and Complex Learning: Recent Developments and Future Directions. Educational Psychology Review. 17. 147-177. 10.1007/s10648-005-3951-0. 

Andrew Schwabe. 2020. Demo of JARET: A.I. Powered Web App for Goal Review and Time Management. In Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale (L@S '20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 425–426. DOI:

Brown, George & Manogue, Michael. (2001). AMEE Medical Education Guide No 22: Refreshing lecturing: A guide for lecturers. Medical teacher. 23. 231-244. 10.1080/01421590120043000. 

(Tomorrow's Professor Postings, Message Number:1826)

Make it Stick - Review (Tomorrow's Professor Postings, Message Number:1823)