Friday, 16 December 2022

Applied Generative AI - e.g. ChatGPT

Advertisers binge on online video (FT special report, Nov 23, 2022)



Showing what we teach with, and assess on, and how we do this - Our 'ingredients', 'recipe' and (cooking) process - as public, accessible and assessable digital practice

Showing what we teach with, and assess on, and how we do this - Our 'ingredients', 'recipe' and (cooking) process - as public, accessible and assessable digital practice

Poh-Sun Goh, 17 December 2022, Saturday, 0545am, Singapore Time

The description of Micro-Learning (modular, bite-size) in to be published article (below) can be blueprint for our (Department or Institutional) Technology Enhanced Learning Efforts.

Goh, PS, Schlegel, E. Small, Sustainable, Steps to Success as a Scholar in Health Professions Education - Micro (Macro and Meta) Matters. (The Asia Pacific Scholar, submitted revision on 3 October 2022, accepted for publication 1 November 2022).


Imagine Outcome -

Our revised curriculum - to use a culinary analogy - as an illustrated restaurant menu

List of menu items - Illustrated ( in our context as descriptive short text, narrated as audio, illustrated as graphic, image or video clip)

Moving forward - 

Start with what we have - our Slide Decks - examine individual topic content

Map this to current and projected revised curriculum - as modular, bite-size content

Build on this - modular, bite-size content we create, and curate (with proper citation, and attribution - from open access, open source online content)

Engage our teachers (within and in our extended community and network)

Our tagline - Micro-content (bite-size, modular content) for (Micro-)Learning, Practice, Assessment and Scholarship 

Scholarship simply as open digital 'practice' - we show what we teach with, and what we assess on, AND we openly demonstrate how we do this - through our curriculum, teaching, learning and assessment activities - visible for all to see - accessible and assessable.


Tuesday, 13 December 2022

#Outcomes of #Learning and #Training - #Role of #Applied-#Pedagogy-#InstructionalDesign-#LearningScience and #Technology-#Tools-and-#Platforms - Personal Opinion and Current Perspective

How can we think about, and envision Outcomes of a Learning and Training Program? 

What do we want the participants of our program, course, or session 'to feel', 'to know' and be able 'to do'?

What is the Role of Faculty Development, Pedagogy (applied Learning Science and Instructional Design) and Technology?

Personal Opinion and Current Perspective - Poh-Sun Goh, Wednesday, 14 December 2022, 0520am, Singapore Time

Learning Objectives can be simply stated as - (to) Feel, Know and Do 

What we want our students, and participants to be able to DO, KNOW and FEEL

Technology extends, and expands our reach, contact (time) and engagement. And complements, supplements, and reinforces our face-to-face, analogue interactions. These include 'live' Zoom meetings.

Asynchronous digital content, and digital engagement can take place using private, or open platforms.

Content we develop, create or curate (with appropriate citation, attribution and permission when necessary) assists us in conveying and helping our participants FEEL, KNOW and be able to DO.

This content may be in text (written, to be read), narrated (e.g. as audio clip or podcast), displayed to view (illustration, image, graphic - static or interactive; video clip) or more advanced immersive technology (e.g. virtual reality or VR, augmented reality or AR, and mixed reality or MR).

This content (spectrum above), from text through audio, then visual media to VR/AR and MR 'costs' increasingly more - in time and treasure (financial costs, including equipment - hardware, software, upgrades, maintenance, and ensuring interoperability and most importantly - modularity and reusability - across platforms, and across time).

My recommendation is to -

build our understanding of pedagogy (applied learning science and instructional design) and do faculty development in understanding WHY (our objectives), before WHAT and HOW

choose the lowest cost (ideally 'free' and off the shelf content and platforms) solution to get the job we want done - this often simply involves combining text and illustrations and building and incorporating low-cost modular interactivity

To quote Clay Christensen from Harvard Business School - define our 'job to be done', and only then develop solutions to get this job done. In the most time and cost efficient and effective way to do so.

I recommend we focus on text, podcasting (audio) and video. Rather than VR, AR or MR.

We are several generations too early to jump onboard the VR, AR or MR train. 

I feel we still need to keep close watch on, and up-to-date on current and near-future prototypes, platforms and processes.

To get a glimpse and feel of the future for ourselves. As a group.

Moving forward, I believe we stick with what is 'at hand', easy to use, and modular - reusable - sustainable. And what our students, and staff actually use ( i.e. text, illustrations, and video).
