Saturday, 17 July 2021

#TransformingLearning #TransformingEducation #TransformingTraining #COVID-19 #Transformation #GoingViral

#TransformingLearning #TransformingEducation #TransformingTraining #COVID-19 #Transformation

#GoingViral - #SocialMedia - #Technology(Networks and Platforms)

Will, before (application of) Skill (and Technology - as tool and platform)

COVID-19 has been and 'is' the transforming 'event', 'trigger' and 'stimulus' for transforming learning, education, and training (in medical education) - not 'Technology'. COVID-19 as a global event, and challenge, to humanity, our resilience, and to our very survival - our 'lives and livelihoods', our current life and future(s), has provided the #Will to #Transform - using our #CollectiveIntelligence and (amplified, assisted and augmented by) #Technology. 

- Poh-Sun Goh, 18 July 2021, 0411am, Singapore Time

Ideas can however go 'viral' (like COVID-19) with speed and impact, globally, amplified and scaled by technology, including 'social media'. Which taps into, and blends the powerful ideas or concept of 'Communities of Practice' (COP) and 'Communities of Interest' (COI), supported, augmented, amplified and scaled by and through (judicious, intentional - sometimes! use of) technology.

- Poh-Sun Goh, 18 July 2021, 0438am, Singapore Time

"Chariots of Fire” is a film that digs deep into the human spirit. It not only presents us the story of two men and the motivations they have for running, it reaches to the very essence of the questions of why we exist and what significance our lives have."
above quote from essay below (accessed 18 July 2021)

“Nothing else in the world…not all the armies…is so powerful as an idea whose time has come.”–Victor Hugo, The Future of Man. From the series Great Ideas of Western Man.

' ... within the complex ecologies of formal educational systems, textbooks remain central to learning experiences and video remains a supplemental resource ...' - Justin Reich [page 231, Conclusion (Chapter), in 'Failure to Disrupt: Why Technology Along Can't Transform Education', Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2020]

eLearning or Technology enhanced Learning
- What it is not, and 'is'
Poh-Sun Goh
22 February 2021 @ 1836hrs, Singapore Time
(inspired by a long hot shower)

A 'book' is a 'technology', but alone is 'not' learning.
A 'tablet', mobile device, wearable computing interface/wearable tech, laptop or desktop computer is 'technology', but alone is 'not' learning.

Access to, or visiting a 'library' is 'not' learning.
Access to 'online' digital content is (in and of itself) 'not' learning.

Learning is a physiological (cognitive) process, which requires a combination of 'hunger' or 'desire' to learn, active 'interaction' with content, and a learning or training process (ideally following a deliberate practice with feedback and reflection, and mastery training paradigm), informed by learning science, instructional design principles, pedagogically and technologically literate and trained instructors and teachers (including for clinical practice domain experts), with students and trainees undergoing a stepwise, progressive, cumulative, both to the task and for the task, but ultimately a lifelong, self-directed, self-motivated (including knowing when and how to seek both human and increasingly AI guided coaching and instruction) educational developmental process.

first presented at


Goh, PS. Medical Educator Roles of the Future. Med.Sci.Educ. 30, 5–7 (2020).

Monday, 5 July 2021

#CommunityOfPractice #COP #CommunityOfInterest #COI #MedED #TEL

... education is “a fostering, a nurturing, a cultivating standard form of social activity”, through “a process of sharing experience till it becomes a common possession” ... "education must transform its immature members from “uninitiated and seemingly alien beings into robust trustees of its own resources and ideals.” As such, education cannot be divorced from the purposes and practices of the community. " - John Dewey, Experience and Education (1938) quoted in (accessed 6 July 2021, 0606am, Singapore Time)

Pyrko I, Dörfler V, Eden C. Thinking together: What makes Communities of Practice work? Human Relations. 2017;70(4):389-409. doi:10.1177/0018726716661040

.".. community of practice (is) built on shared experiences and shared skills mastered over the course of long apprenticeships ... in Rome, these communities of practice formed the basis of artisan collegia, ... gave citizens a sense of community, civic identity and belonging ... for much of history people in similar trades usually cooperated, collaborated and supported one another ... these tightly bound communities evolved because people who shared skills and experiences unique to their crafts tended to make sense of the world in similar ways, and also because their social status was often also defined by their trade ..." James Suzman, in Work: A History of How We Spend Our Time, Part 4 - Creatures of the City, Chapter 11 - The Bright Lights, page 292, 2020 edition, Bloomsbury Circus, Great Britain

"... if a community of peers creates the resources available to learners, the new technology that emerges from their efforts belongs to the peer-guided genre of learning at scale ... these communities have dramatically reshaped how people participate in lifelong learning ... making open, networked, apprenticeship learning a central part of schooling requires rethinking all aspects of the ecology of schools, from curricula to assessment to schedules to teacher professional development and beyond." - Justin Reich, Failure to Disrupt: Why Technology Alone Can't Transform Education, Conclusion Chapter, page 235, 2020 edition, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.