Tuesday, 31 May 2022

Micro-Content and Micro-Scholarship as the 'tasting menu', 'tasting or sampling portions', the preview, the executive summary, the takeaways, the key points, the headlines. What is remembered. To use. For future use. To look up.

Micro-Content and Micro-Scholarship as the 'tasting menu', 'tasting or sampling portions', the preview, the executive summary, the takeaways, the key points, the headlines. What is remembered. To use. For future use. To look up.

Poh-Sun Goh, 1 June 2022, Wednesday, 0315am, Singapore Time

Micro-Content and Micro-Scholarship, for many, 'is' the (only) content they will review, preview, sample or use.

To decide when, and if, to go deeper.

Is also likely to be what is remembered, recalled, and used.

Including the key idea, or takeaway; the key phrase or key word, to look up in the future.




Monday, 30 May 2022

Quality and Usefulness (Standards) of Micro-Content (Micro-Scholarship) - Value (and Impact)

Quality and Usefulness (Standards) of Micro-Content (Micro-Scholarship) - Value (and Impact)

Poh-Sun Goh, 31 May 2022, Tuesday, 0115am-0125am, Singapore Time

A proposal, or one approach

Modular, and usable 

For larger (Macro-) Scholarship - e.g. conference poster, presentation, publication (journal)

  • citation (publication, online post) - including comment, reflection, take-away
  • quote - including source, site
  • created and curated illustration (including open access or with permission)
  • multimedia and mixed reality (MR - including VR, AR - virtual and augmented reality) interactive content - created and curated (including open access content)

For faculty development, training and teaching

  • text
  • images
  • multimedia and MR

Use, quantity and quality (audience engagement and feedback, informal and formal, including 'peer review')


Wider considerations

including going beyond superficial Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)


Sunday, 29 May 2022

Biological Time vs Digital Time - Biological Integration and Creation vs Digitalisation

Biological Time vs Digital Time - Biological Integration and Creation vs Digitalisation

by Poh-Sun Goh, 30 May 2022, Monday, 0623am, Singapore Time

Analogue Time is slower, with significantly less distractions, less choice

More opportunity, and encouragement (by the medium) to do slower, deeper interactions

With content, processes, people

To learn, incorporate, integrate

Create (biologically)

Trading speed, (enormous) choice, for more focused, deeper, and longer engagement

Arguably human time is required for human learning, and human transformation

Digitalisation, Technology, Tools, Apps (Applications), Platforms, and AI (Artificial and Augmented Intelligence) accelerates and scales


Must be intelligently, and judicious utilised to 'enhance' human learning, and human transformation 

Human first

(Human) Purpose driven

Facilitated and incorporating informed intelligent design guided by deep knowledge, insight and experience into (human, organic, biological) principles underpinning personal and professional growth, development, learning and performance.

Who first

(and) Why

only then How, What, Where (and When)

Saturday, 28 May 2022

Micro-Practices for Micro-Scholarship

Micro-Practices for Micro-Scholarship

(Regular, Daily, Cumulative) Micro-Practices (Habits) for Micro-Scholarship

Poh-Sun Goh, 29 May 2022, Sunday, composed from 0218am - 0235am, Singapore Time

Read (a little).  

Engage with digital content.

Every day.

Deep, slow, reflective read. Engagement with digital content.

Take note(s). 

Make notes.

Post (link to) and Cite (original source) 

+ a least a single reflection (e.g. takeaway, use, application, integration, combine this with other ideas - curated and original, transfer this to practice)


Take reflection, and micro-writing one level deeper. Of underlying process, principles and practices

+ describe this.

Then post this online. Openly. 

Accessible and Assessable. For others to review and engage with.

Participate and engage in conversations with a Community of Practice and Interest (CoP and CoI)

Consider 'presenting' directly from your online content. Curated (and cited) with commentary, and created. As part of 'meet-ups', informal 'hang-outs', meetings, presentations and forums.

Combine your micro-content, and stack these, into larger pieces of Macro- or traditional Scholarship.

Engage in Micro-Practice(s) of Micro-Scholarship, including (the) Scholarship of Discovery and Innovation, Integration, Application and Transfer to Practice or Teaching; as a regular, habitual, cumulative professional practice. On the path of a scholar-practitioner.



Thursday, 5 May 2022









Twitter isn’t the town square, it’s the theatre (by Jemima Kelley, FT)

... a 'stage', or platform (one of many)

Let me (re)state the obvious 

Value (and value add) of node in network is function of confidence (trust), connection (density and reach), and contributions (conversations and collaborations).

Universities and Healthcare clusters and networks are classic examples. With value of each node and individual dependent on much more than title, but who they are, and what they bring to the network.

Applied loose non-hierarchical trust and value-add ground up distributed positive ‘network effects’.

Poh-Sun Goh, 20 May 2022, 0755am, Singapore time

#Distributed('Loose')Networks #TechEnabled #TaskFocused #AnchoredOnCoP #Trust #TrackRecord











Sunday, 1 May 2022

#Community #Communities #Society #Societies #Organisation #Organisations #Noun #Verb #Formal #Informal #Networks #Roles #Job(s) #Value-Add

Reflect on - #Community #Communities #Society #Societies #Organisation #Organisations #Noun #Verb #Formal #Informal #Networks #Roles #Job(s) #Value-Add

at local, regional and international levels

in #Clinical #MedicalEducation #MedEd #Association (as #Verb) and #Associations [as #Noun(s)]

Poh-Sun Goh, 2 May 2022, 0522am, Singapore Time



Of Life


Third and Fourth Spaces (Work, Home, 3rd and 4th Spaces)

20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's