#Micro-Scholarship #Toolkit
Tool (s)
Kit = collection
Jobs to be done - and selection of available tools
See table in Micro-Scholarship paper
See figure in Micro-Scholarship paper
What are the jobs - or processes
What are available tools
How can open access, free to use, familiar to use (from other settings) tools be applied
For me, Blogger https://medicaleducationelearning.blogspot.com/, SlideShare https://www.slideshare.net/dnrgohps, Instagram https://www.instagram.com/gohpohsun/?hl=en, Linktree https://linktr.ee/PohSunGoh
Goh PS. Using a blog as an integrated eLearning tool and platform. Med Teach. 2016 Jun;38(6):628-9. doi: 10.3109/0142159X.2015.1105947. Epub 2015 Nov 11. PMID: 26558420.
AMEE 2022 Lyon
27 August 2022 - 30 August 2022
IAMSE 2022 Denver
4 - 7 June 2022
Pre-Conference Workshop Title:
Micro-Scholarship as the 'missing piece' in a successful Scholar's Journey
Poh-Sun Goh and Sol Roberts-Lieb
Sunday May 22, 2022 and Monday May 23, 2022
1· Purpose: This workshop will focus on 'Micro-Scholarship', the small, doable, cumulative regular steps in a Scholar's journey, made 'visible' using open access digital platforms (like Blogger), to allow and facilitate peer review, and engagement with, by a community of Practice (COP); as the 'missing piece' in our faculty development efforts to support and promote more widespread successful Scholarship in Health Science and Medical Education. This workshop will explore accepted theoretical frameworks and metrics of Scholarship, (specifically applied to appointment, promotion and tenure decisions in academic settings), review successful case studies, and offer hands-on exercises to digitally document, display and disseminate our 'Micro-Scholarship' steps, to cumulatively stack up to a successful Scholar's journey. We will focus on simple, practical (micro) steps that participants can apply immediately, applying theory to actual practice.
2· Goals
o Introduce the concept of Micro-Scholarship to participants
o Introduce technology platforms and use for Micro-Scholarship
o Provide theoretical frameworks and resources to support the use of Micro-Scholarship.
o Provide step by step instructions to progress from idea to publication
o Help participants create a community of practice either through other participants or locally to promote Micro-Scholarship.
3. Timeliness and significance to the field
o The COVID-19 Pandemic has caused what many are calling the “lost year” for scholarship. While many large scale bench research projects have been on hold, there is a wealth of Micro-Scholarship available. This workshop will help participants capitalize on what they are already doing and provide ways to ‘publish’ this scholarship.
o Many faculty are also new to medical education scholarship.
Micro-Scholarship provides a lower bar to entry than a large scale project. This helps faculty find ways to use the work they are already doing to begin working in the field.
4· Workshop description including teaching methods and timeline for educational activities
o Health Sciences Education is ripe for Scholarship, but how do you get started? This workshop will introduce participants to the concept of Micro-Scholarship and technology platforms to share and promote their work.
The workshop will cover scholarship-based frameworks to help you brainstorm your ideas as well as step-by-step instructions on how to move from idea to dissemination and publication. Participants will work in individual, small groups, and large group sessions to explore technology platforms, look at scholarship frameworks, and understand the idea of Micro-Scholarship.
o Approximate Timeline
§ Part I – Micro-Scholarship
· Introduction to Micro-Scholarship – 20 min
· Individual Time – Brainstorm Micro-Scholarship – 5 min
· Small Group – Brainstorm and share Micro-Scholarship – 20 min
· Large Group – Share Micro-Scholarship Ideas – 15 min
§ Part II – Technology Platforms
· Introduction to Technology Platforms – 20 min
· Individual Time – Explore one platform – 5 min
· Small Group – Share insight on the platforms. (Each group member will have a different platform) – 20 min
· Large Group – Share technology platforms – 15 min
§ Part III – Idea to Dissemination and Publication
· From Idea to Dissemination and Publication – 20 minutes
· Small Group – Explore and expand Micro-Scholarship ideas based on technology platform and need – 30
· Connecting Participants for Optional Community of Practice – 5 minutes
· Closing Thoughts – 5 min
o Teaching Methods
§ Didactic, small group, large group, individual time, audience response system, web resources (blog,
handouts), online collaboration document to form community of practice.