Thursday, 17 June 2021

#FOAMedEd #Micro-Scholarship

FOAMedEd + Micro-Scholarship


FOAMedEd embodies content (knowledge, skills, attitudes) curated by a COP (community of practice) and COI (community of interest) - customised for a particular 'historical' (at the point of creation + curation of this content) 'job to be done' (specific task + localised and contextualised) - this 'historical' and 'context' information should be added to 'reusable' digital artefact - which is ideally in its most granular, reusable, platform agnostic format - text, illustration, micro-content (media)

Customisation and Personalisation requires combination of digital literacy + personal user insight into task and whether content 'works' + sensitivity and openness to situational 'feedback' and 'coaching' (both human and AI - artificial and augmented human intelligence)

Poh-Sun Goh, 17 June 2021, 0737am, Singapore Time

Micro-Scholarship: Three Threads


Poh-Sun Goh

19 April 2021 @ 06.58am, Singapore Time

Thread 1

scholarship, like clinical or educational practice occurs in small sequential steps (ideally taken at regular, even daily intervals)

each step is additive, and cumulative, as part an academic journey

each step can be documented, digitally, and visible - for open access, inspection, review

each step can be created, or curated with proper attribution, and 'value add' e.g. commentary, customisation, to enable each step to be a modular, free-standing, usable 'piece' of 'Micro-Scholarship

Thread 2

our efforts (as open, digital scholars), when aligned with the needs and requirements of our users, including communities of practice and organisations become useful, recognised and valued

recognition by an organisation or institution includes awarding certifications of performance levels + (AND) contribution impact value levels (AS VALUED BY the institution or organisation - e.g. Associate or Professor level performance, Associate or Fellow level performance by AMEE 

Thread 3

the concept of 'Micro-Scholarship' is a usable, practical and sustainable framework and recipe, similar to practices in the culinary arts, or the arts

where each ingredient, when selected, curated, and prepared (for cooking), is individually of value, visible and can be assessed, tasted, and valued (and is valuable), as well as the completed 'dish', and 'recipes' - all of which can be made openly accessible, for viewing, consumption, and 'sale' to be bought be a consumer or organisation

the idea of taking small cumulative steps, on a regular basis is an analogy that all of us, and the reader, can identify with

the idea of Micro-Scholarship is that each step 'is' usable, valuable, and can be valued and assessed, and recognised - at individual, community of practice, and institutional levels (with metrics of audience size - use, commentary and incorporation into practice - citations, 'valued ' as 'judged' as attaining a certain band of performance - e.g. Associate or Full, Associate or Fellow level performance, and 'valued' for contribution impact by promotion and increasing salary band levels.

above first posted on

see also


#Make #Each (and #Every) #Step Count, and be #Counted, #Daily, #Cumulatively - #makeVisible #Path #Steps #Journey #Milestones and #endGoals
Poh-Sun Goh, 9 July 2021, 0529am, Singapore Time

#Scholarship #Discovery < #Integration < #Application = #Teaching, #Bench < #Bedside, #Transfer to #Practice > #Theory, #Application and #Use > #Theoretical ( more > or > less #Valued, #Valuable)
#aThoughtExperiment #PointOfView #Observation #ToBeDiscussed #ToBeDebated #ToBeValidated
Poh-Sun Goh, 9 July 2021, 0605am, Singapore Time